I have been a photographer and a small business owner for over 20 years. Recently, I have transitioned into a Content Marketing Specialist to help small business owners focus on growing their business. Looking back when I started my business, having the support base a Content Specialist can give would have been so beneficial. Having that knowledge and experience, I can now assist small businesses with their marketing and advertising strategies, especially businesses just starting out.

I am also passionate about the Real Food for Pets movement. For the past year, I have taken courses and researched how fresh food affects our pets, all for the best when done properly. The key word is "properly." There are so many good intentioned owners out there that have taken their furry family members off of commercial food but haven't done the intense research to know what each species is required to have in their diets in order to stay healthy. That is the kind of research I have been doing, and will continue to do. My knowledge keeps my furry companions happier and healthier.